Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | On the Road



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! The Mighty Mississippi and Colorado River were once a beatnik’s favorite way to traverse the country for free. From the 1930s through 70s hitchhiking became the preferred method of transportation for Americas youth. Jack Keruak is one of the countries greatest travel writers to date and takes us on his destinaiton-less cross-country adventure in On the Road. Your host having driven several thousand miles and lived in multiple states this year alone gives a first hand perspective of life on the open road. Although written in the 1950s this timeless tale profiles the usual suspects you'll find in modern nomadic communities; all of the roamers, wanderers, gypsies, poets, grifters, con-men, criminals and lovers. Those with an untamed wanderlust and appetite for human experience will appreciate todays anecdote ridden narrative made with a whole lotta heart. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:00:35 Introduction 0:0