Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | iPencil



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! In this 15 page story Leonard E. Read follows the life of an ordinary pencil around the world. Written at the height of McCarthyism, this book showed the masses the benefit to a free market via the life of a pencil while Soviets stood on line for bread and toilet paper. "But it wasn't real communism". History has shown when one entity controls the means of production, rising industries are unable to maintain pure competition. This book will serve as an intro to free market capitalism due to thousand page Mises economic textbooks clogging up the production pipeline of the show. Analyzing the American marketplace of ideas will serve as the perfect segue into our July first jackpot, don't miss it! Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:00:45 Introduction 0:03:25 About the Author 0:08:35 My Family the Trees 0:12:00 Innumerable Antecedents 0:20:00 No One Knows 0:23:20 No Mastermind 0:29:20 Testimony Galore 0:37:45