Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | The Psychedelic Experience



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Ex-Harvad professor, psychologist and activist, Timothy Leary takes us to the edge of the universe in The Psychedelic Experience. The Bible, Torah and Koran are full of riddles and hidden messages meanwhile the Tibetan Book of the Dead declassified famous accounts of near death experiences and spiritual awakenings, which in most religion is kept hidden by the clergy. Yogis, transcendental mediators and psychonauts corroborate Leary’s findings of cured life-long addiction, neurogenesis and spiritual awakening. All practices that Christ was rumored to have engaged in during his lost years wandering and holistically healing the people of India. In todays show Leary picks up the ball on humanities biggest running secret of where we go when the lights turn off. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:01:20 Introduction 0:03:20 About the Author 0:09:40 Introduction 0:19:00 1stBardo: Ego Loss & Non-game Ecstasy 0:32:40