Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | The Science Delusion



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Aristotle was almost ran out of Greece for suggesting the Earth was round. Da Vinci and Newton had many household inventions that were destroyed by the crown to reinforce religion. Tesla and Einstein were coopted by the government to pursue nuclear bombs rather than free energy. Science works most ethically when in the hands of the people, not as a predictive tool to start a carbon tax on the middle class. Curtis White having worked in neuroscience, exposes the plethora of information about the brain we speculate on and how this is common in most sciences. Our most controversial episode to date will give you a healthy dose of skepticism in a world of fast answers. Subscribe, Share, Mobile links & Time-stamps below! 0:00:35 Introduction 0:03:40 About the Author 0:08:20 Prologue 0:13:13 Ch1: Whats a Good Lunch 0:32:10 Ch2: Romanticism vs. Counterculture 0:41:20 Ch3: DNA in Control 0:49:00 Ch4: Who Invented the Mop? 0:58:45 Ch