Nick's Non-fiction

Nick’s Non-fiction | 12 Rules For Life



Welcome back for another episode of Nick’s Non-fiction with your host Nick Muniz! Motivation only works when it comes from a place of ambition. A tenured professor who decides to abandon ship and successfully take their lectures on a worldwide theater tour has more motivation in a sneeze than any coaches half time speech. Jordan B Peterson is an ex-Harvard professor and clinical psychologist that has condensed his life work into 12 rules to bring habitable order to your life. The Lobster King, The Overlord of Order and Chaos, Kermit the Frog himself helps light a fire under our ass to kick off the new year. Only two weeks until our next edition, analyzing a text that breaks the chief rule of the show. All kinds of experimental content on the way to follow our Season 2 premier. This world wide bestseller touches on a universal culture being the trials of the human spirit. Subscribe, Share, Links below for on the go! 0:00:50 introduction 0:04:30 About the Author 0:11:10 Preface 0:18:00 Rule1: Stand Up Strai