Unapologetic Culture

Episode 14: Cancel Culture Doing More Harm Than Good?



Welcome back everyone! Join us on this episode while we talk about cancel culture and the pros and cons. Have we started canceling people just because it's the new popular thing to do? Are we canceling people just because we don't like them and not because their actions are actually offensive? We also discuss how toxic it could be to call out issues within marginalized groups with the intent of saying one issue is worse than the other. For Example: Anti-Blackness in the Latinx vs Anti-Immigration in the Black community. We give our opinions on these issues and why they might be causing more conflict and building more barriers between communities rather than helping educate and eliminate the issues. Thank you for listening. Please feel free to use these topics as a conversation started throughout your week. Stay safe everyone. Positive vibes. Subscribe, comment, share and REVIEW us on all streaming platforms.