Marveling At The Movies

Season 5, Episode 19: Loki Episode 6 (Or, Boo Hoo, Bad on You)



THIS IS IT. THE FINAL EPISODE OF THE SEASON. After a long slog for all, everything comes to end: the villain behind it all stands revealed and the plot has reached its apex. The only question left is: yes, this is the end of Loki, but is it the end of Marveling at the Movies as well?! After all, after 6 episodes of arguing about timelines and multiverses and variants and everything in between, Marvel's basically set the tone for everything that's about to come... so can Matt deal with this new plot thread without being angry all the time? Can Alexis get invested in any of this? And can Matthew put up with their behavior for another decade (if the length of the Infinity Saga is any indication of how long we might be doing this)? Tune in to to the shocking finale of Marveling at the Movies to find out.