Financially Speaking ~ Kathy Cook Noble

Programming Your GPS To Achieve Your Financial Goals ~ Guest Ashlee Quinn-Hogan



Financially Speaking with Kathy Cook Noble  What are your financial goals? How often have you asked yourself this question? How often have you given yourself an answer? A financial goal is a destination. It is somewhere we want to end up. Our daily financial habits are the steps or directions we take to get to this destination. But how can we expect to achieve our financial goals if we haven’t programmed our GPS to the proper destination? How will we know which steps to take? In this episode of Financially Speaking, Ashlee discusses the importance of identifying concrete goals and laying out the steps to achieve these goals. Kathy’s Book: All Ladies Should Use the F-Word: A Guide to Loving Your Finances Purchase on       *Listen now on the Inspired Choices Network app! ~ More About Financially Speaking ~ Everywhere you go, everywhere you turn, everyone you talk to, money appears. Either in conversation, in thoughts, in dreams, in