Partners In Crime

Boxes of guff



Would you like to hear Adam and Bob reminisce about the days of recording the podcast outside? How about Bob getting excited about his new ethernet cable? Or perhaps you'd prefer some discussion about the sort of tattoos our hosts should get? Well, you don't have to choose because it's all coming up in the latest episode of Partners in Crime with Robert Daws and Adam Croft.  Bob discusses an article in The Times Crime Club about publishers not talking to each other, resulting in messy release dates, Adam goes through Joanna Schaffhausen's ten most dynamic detective duos in crime fiction and we hear which books inspired the hit Netflix show Lupin. Our hosts let us know how they got on playing a new murder mystery card game (more details below), Bob finally recommends something available on Kobo and I improve the content massively by making two impressive cameo appearances during the episode. ~ Moriarty ~   RECOMMENDATIONS The Night Hawks by Elly Griffiths