Partners In Crime

Christmas Special AKA Salty nostrils



Did our podcast hosts remember to do an Audacity? Has Adam's new fridge arrived yet? And how nasal is Bob's voice?  To find out the answers to all of this and a whole lot more, listen to the latest episode of Partners in Crime with Adam Croft and Robert Daws. Adam reveals six destinations that every Agatha Christie fan should visit, Bob talks about a new Nordic noir television show based on the aforementioned author's Sven Hjerson and the pair discuss John le Carré after the sad news of his death. There's an exclusive first play of the Partners in Crime Christmas song, viewers on Patreon get to see Bob and Adam sporting some rather fetching Santa hats, while Adam reveals that he's got the lurgy. But IT'S NOT COVID. Honest.   ~ Moriarty ~   COMPETITION To enter the competition mentioned during the podcast to win a BRAND NEW KOBO NIA EREADER plus some great runner-up prizes, click on the following link: