Partners In Crime

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Who spotted the first brown leaf of autumn this week? Did Bob have a nice bbq? And does he moan about the weather for the 118th episode in a row? To find out the answers to these questions and to hear an interview with author and award winning playwright Gytha Lodge, listen to the latest episode of Partners in Crime with Adam Croft and Robert Daws Adam tells us all about the ninth staging of Bloody Scotland 2020, which is virtual this year, Bob talks about Grace, the new television adaptation of Peter James' crime novels and we hear about how the life of a fledgling crime writer has taken a surprising twist.  Adam recommends a must-watch television programme he has been getting into this week, while the conversation takes a disturbing route as our hosts remind us that viewers on Patreon will be able to see Bob's naked legs.  ~ Moriarty ~   RECOMMENDATIONS Watching in the Dark by Gytha Lodge   September's Patreon free book of the month: The Night