Partners In Crime

Roaring wind



Which insect will distract Adam this week? How windy is his garden? And just how much does Bob love Gillian McAllister?   To find out all the answers and a lot more, listen to the latest episode of Partners in Crime, with Adam Croft and Robert Daws, featuring an interview with the aforementioned Gillian McAllister.   Adam has the nominations list for the Strand Critics Awards, Bob recommends a Quentin Bates book and we hear about an interesting article in The Times on how reading fiction is having a positive influence on certain world leaders.   Returning the favour from last week and keeping in line with a Partners in Crime tradition of self-promotion, Bob recommends Adam's new book What Lies Beneath. He also threatens to send round the boys if you don't like it, while Adam informs us that he is now best friends with the police in Rutland.   ~ Moriarty ~   RECOMMENDATIONS What Lies Beneath by Adam Croft Cold Malice by Quentin Bates https://www.ko