Pennies In The Well

Episode 35 With a BOO!: The 13 Nights of Halloween



On the 13th night of Halloween my zombie gave to me... 13 Witches Flying (The Witching Hour by Robin Brock) 12 Graves A-Waiting (In the Graveyard by Lucy in the Ocean with Tentacles 11 Children Screaming (What's All the Screaming About by Robot Goes Here 10 Ghosts A-Haunting (Ghost Dance Mix by Jo Flanders 9 Ghouls Lurching (Ghoul Au Go Go by The Texreys 8 Vampires Sucking (Vampires Suck by Odd Austin 7 Werewolves Howling (Werewolf Girlfriend by Aliens and Strangers 6 Pumpkins Smashing (The Pumpkin Grave by The Martians 5 Rotting Corpses (Good-looking Corpse by Sunspot 4 Evil Horsemen (Apocalypse by Avery Fantom 3 Rabid Dogs (Rabid Grandma by Screwy from St. Louie 2 Stabbing Knives (Stab City by As Tall As Lions and some BRAAAAIIIIIIINNNNNSSSSSSS (Beware of the Zombie Bombie Bear by Cyco Sanchez Supergroup For links to the "sponsors" please visit Pagan Podkin Supermoot 2012.  And if I missed any of the great sponsors, my apologies, I did my best in the moment to get everyone.