Celluloid Jelly

45: The Blob (1958, Irvin S. Yeaworth Jr.)



It creeps and leaps and glides and slides across the floor... It's our episode on The Blob, the original cult classic starring a young Steve McQueen! We begin with Cesar's take on Takashi Miike's most recent film, First Love (Hatsukoi); and C.J. briefly discusses two recent rewatches from 1985: House and Clue. Following our main discussion, we've included a quick bonus conversation about Todd Phillips' Joker. Click here to join the Celluloid Jelly Facebook Group. Click here to follow C.J. on Letterboxd. Click here to follow C.J. on Twitter @settingtheframe. Click here to find Cesar's reviews at Film Smash. Click here to follow Cesar on Letterboxd. Click here to follow Cesar on Twitter @juniorbeho.