History Honeys

Sacco & Vanzetti



On this episode Grant takes us back 100 years to a fatal robbery at a shoe factory, and the legacy of the men who had the crime pinned on them. Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti came to America searching for prosperity, and found the brutality of exploitation and prejudice. The greatest weight of which fell on them when they were executed by a justice system bent on quashing an ideology, rather than seeking either justice or truth.   Links! The writings of Luigi Galleani "We Submit", from the Boston Herald; October 26th, 1926 "The Case of Sacco and Vanzetti", Atlantic Monthly, March 1927 Please help our show succeed by sharing it. Send a link to someone you know and tell them what you enjoy about History Honeys. Rate and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, or whatever other platform you use to hear us. It helps so very much and we do appreciate it. You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by emailing us at historyhoneyspodcast at gmail.    Logo by Marah Music by Thylacinus Censor b