History Honeys

100 Facts



Happy milestone day! It's been four years and we made it to three digits. To celebrate, Grant went back over every previous topic to find one more fact we didn't include last time. Thanks for joining us for this very special occasion! Links! SEX ARCHIE Flash in the Pan episode 44: Time Lord Tickle Fights Please help our show succeed by sharing it. Send a link to someone you know and tell them what you enjoy about History Honeys. Rate and review us on iTunes, Stitcher, or whatever other platform you use to hear us. It helps so very much and we do appreciate it. You can connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or by emailing us at historyhoneyspodcast at gmail. The episode 101 prompt is: What is your favorite food mascot?   Logo by Marah Music by Thylacinus Censor beep by Frank West of The FPlus