Alaska Tracy Podcast

#58 ~ Accelerate Your Business Growth, with Gregg Roesch



Today I had the opportunity to interview my (little) brother Gregg Roesch, co-owner of GT Supplies. My brothers and both their wives are business owners and I thought it would be a good inspirational story to share how Gregg and Todd (my older brother) created a business starting 23 years ago by painting dumpsters. Their business, GT Supplies has grown to a company of 36 employees with many different services within the company.  Refurbishing dumpsters being the largest service offered.   The reason I wanted to interview Gregg was to hear how Gregg and Todd took a small idea and created a large corporation. They sought out opportunities in their community to fulfill the community's needs. Starting out in business or looking to create a business, we often get wrapped up in the 'romance' of business thinking we have to be passionate about what we are doing from our core. Passion is great and if there is not a need for your passion, you have no business.  Finding and fulfilling a need can open the doors to opp