Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 29 The Legacy of Zena Flair



The Legacy of Zena Flair Thank you for listening to this very special episode! Six-year-old Zena Flair left this earth on Monday.  She fought the good fight against Osteosarcoma, bone cancer, for 11 months.  She was a force in my life and countless others lives, so I thought I would share the top seven legacies that she left me with. May they help you in business and in life. Love - No matter what - love others. When you are unhappy, sad with others, in pain, or whatever life throws at you: love. No whining or complaining...unless others can be helped or motivated.  Helping others to move forward in life is a good thing.  Sometimes whining helps to encourage this. Daily movement - Move your body somehow, some way each and every day. Movement helps our minds, bodies,and souls.  Movement is key to longevity in life. Carry yourself with grace - Even when you feel defeated, afraid, sick, or frustrated. If you focus on your feeling or illness, it will intensify.  What we focus on expands. So by carrying ourse