Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 16 - Debbie Ashley - The Online Marketing Expert



Welcome to this week’s episode with guest Debbie Ashley of Thrivoo Marketing! The Universe has guided me to do this podcast so that I may inspire and help you by inspiring and teaching.  Each week the Universe continues to send the perfect people my way to help you along your journey in business and life. With each episode, it is my goal to find people that are passionate about their life and share their journey with you. Their stories prove that anything is possible with a vision and steps, which means you can achieve your vision, too. Oftentimes, by hearing other’s stories, we are able to let go and trust that we, too, can have big, rich, meaningful lives… that we can take that Leap of Faith — whatever that looks like.  For some, it may be leaving a boring job and creating a thriving business; for others, it may be taking the risk to love; or maybe your Leap is to travel somewhere new.  Whatever it is for you, may you find your truth and live a life that is beyond your wildest dreams. I was guided to Deb