Alaska Tracy Podcast

Episode 10: Beginners Guide: To Podcasting with Dion Sekone-Fraser



Are you curious about creating your own podcast?  My hope is that after listening to this interview, you will be more certain if podcasting is the right choice for you. Ten weeks into podcasting and the learning curve continues!  I dove head first into creating Biz Vizion with Alaska Tracy with no clue to what would be involved.  The goal: to create a following interested in the two online courses my team and I created, consisting of a 90-day goal with action steps for each week.  Because I have done vision boards for years, I knew the end results would far exceed my expectations.  This continues to be my experience.  Show up, learn all I can, share with my community and let go of the results. I got to Episode 3 and I panicked! I started comparing what I was doing with other podcasters… ones that had been podcasting for years.  I freaked out and encountered many technical questions that were not in my skill set. I asked for tech help via a Facebook business group.  Several people had suggestions, which lea