12 Minute Convos W/ Engel Jones

Ron Damico is an architect for the new human consciousness helping you to release long-held energetic blockages /Ep 2919.mp3



Ron Damico is a Transformational Catalyst, Energy Healer, and Spiritual Guide, helping each of his clients to release long-held energetic blockages that interfere with their ability to live the life they truly want to live. In this Ron is a highly skilled mentor and teacher who facilitates healing by guiding his clients through their own unique process, helping them to awaken their innate spirit, in turn tapping into the limitless power and potential of the Source energy that transforms their life. Ron is sincere and compassionate and using his gift of intuitive insight, together with his unique form of energetic healing, to help you resolve even the most complex life experience. This means you will free yourself from past trauma, refocus your energies, and step into your fullest potential. Ron Damico has helped people from all walks of life and backgrounds to heal over three decades. He assists his clients in meeting life challenges with strength and courage. He creates a safe and supportive environment for