The Alpha Female Podcast With Robyn Baldwin

AF 172: Yoga Adventure Retreats Founder, In-Alignment Yoga Teacher Trainer, and Yoga Teacher Aleysha Derksen



Aleysha Derksen is a hands-on yoga teacher who loves to lead a strong and intentional flow. She is a full-time teacher, with firm roots in the Ottawa yoga community and a connection to her students. Aleysha’s classes are fun, dynamic and progressive, weaving the physical practice with spiritual teachings and inspiration centered around a focus or theme. Aleysha loves to teach inversion workshops, host international retreats and connect with the global community of yogis. She is the co-founder of Yoga Adventure Retreats and the In Alignment School of Yoga which hosts a yearly 200 hour Yoga Teacher Training program in beautiful Bali! You can find her over at and learn about the 200-hour In Alignment Yoga Teacher Training.