Drinks With Josh

Episode 62 - Michael Bubly



Sound the horns and prepare the thrones! The Kings of Drink Mountain have returned! This episode puts them to the test as they face a horrifying new beverage foe. Meanwhile, Josh is just horrifying, whether it's his taste in music at the grocery store, his desire for a certain bit of Napoleon "memorabilia," or his question about whether food can ever be good if it's...no you'll just have to listen. Speaking of Napoleon, Josh comes up with a great new sitcom idea. Are you listening, Hollywood? Our bank accounts are open to your money! Of course we've got Braindead Trivia, a round of Who Would Drink This?, and a new game where we try to come up with a new name for today's beverage. On top of all that goodness, there's a "special treat" at the end (if you can make it that far). So grab a seat and listen as Ben and Josh suffer through their newest drink, so you don't have to. It's just the kind of caring, giving people they are.