Drinks With Josh

Episode 33 - IT'S WILD!!! (S)



Welcome to the new Drinks With Josh (with your host, Ben)! What's so new about it? Just about everything! There's an awesome new addition to Braindead Trivia. There's Ben in his new role of "Josh Jr." screaming about Arseniooooooooo Hall. There's Josh's new attitude regarding his mom's true identity. There's even a brand new (and very WILD!) spokesman job for Ben (he wishes). And it's all recorded in a brand new spot (next to an obnoxious busy freeway during rush hour, where else?)! Don't worry, though, in all this newness we didn't lose our good old insanity and inanity. So there's Josh's feeding tips for 10 year olds, Ben's helpful medical advice for foot gigantism, and even Josh gets embarrassed when Ben gets a little too WILD! And lest we forget, we've got a true monolith of the drink world up for review this time! So pull up a seat next to the Kings of Drink Mountain and enjoy the newest episode of America's Favorite Podcast: Drinks With Josh!