Funny Messy Life

Driving Lessons - 036



   As I sit in a fast food restaurant creating this episode, my son is 15 years old and wants to drive everywhere. In a few months, he’ll be going for his driver’s license and I’ll begin the era of parenting when my heart thumps a million beats per second every time he’s out on the road by himself. And he’s doing really well. He takes Driver’s Ed right now as well, so he’s getting plenty of practice, but he prefers me to go out with him to his mother, who apparently goes into a screaming panic whenever he makes the tiniest mistake, like crossing into the oncoming lane when there’s oncoming traffic and that oncoming traffic is a tractor trailer. I’m cooler in those situations and give constructive criticism like, Should probably get back in your lane, instead of doing like Kayla, who would grab the handle above the door and scream, WE’RE ALL GONNA DIE! I understand it, but I’m the one who taught my wife to drive and there are a couple of quips from those days I thought you might find interesting. And there’s o