Majority Villain

Understanding White Power



Please leave a review at and help people find the show! Music today via through Creative Commons licensing by Evil Bear Boris and Lee Rosevere. Social media assistance by Kris Shapar. Show image via Flickr through CC licensing Produced and hosted by Gregory Haddock. understanding White Power Black Power. White Power. BET, the Black Entertainment Television network. The White Entertainment Television (which would be the unfortunate acronym WET). Let’s face it. For good reason - the term “white power” invokes almost the exact antithesis of that sentiment. It stokes fear, manipulation, inequality, and it perpetually pokes and prods the scar tissue of a wound never quite healed, occasionally reopening it for all to see the damage inside. There is a plenitude of writing, argumentation and critical thinking in support of the position that “white power” should be a statement and m