We're All Human With Courtney Diamond

#033: DJ Schoeny - On DJing, Dating, and Daddy Issues



I sat down to chat with DJ Schoeny (@djschoenyofficial) and had a marathon chat sesh. Join us Scorpios on our 3-hour convo journey. Kombucha deliciousness, being in our 30's (we're def not old), carving messages into your wall, timing is everything, gaming for comfort, our drunk/blacked out selves, does DJing help his dating life, being PB professionals, daddy talk, he definitely doesn't like 23-year-olds, straight people in gay bars, what's in my fridge (whipped cream), find out if we're single, Whole Food revelations, you better be reading this Schoeny, beware talking to the DJ's, Insta-Questions, @lilschoen_, what happens at 3 months of dating, avoiding the friend zone, synchronicity, reading the dancefloor, what women are REALLY looking for, why it's better with the lights off, Bumble stories, the Uber struggle, TSA feel-ups, crosswalk grab-bys, his sheets look dirty (but they're not), and more... *Disclaimer: We don't know anything.   Check out DJ Schoeny: http://djschoeny.com/ Spotify: https://open.spot