Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

How To Create Leverage In Your Small Business



Are you constantly reinventing the wheel in your business? You never seem to get traction or the results you want from your business. Or maybe, you are stuck in one of those growth valleys where it just doesn’t seem like you have enough time or money to grow your business. Join Business Coach Leslie Hassler, from her office in Dallas, Texas; as she shares how to create more leverage in your business so it can grow and flourish. In this episode we will cover: 1) Who needs Leverage in your business2) Define Leverage for small business & entrepreneurs3) The 4 areas of leverage in a small business4) Q& A Best Practices Join in on the conversation with us live at Mondays at 1:30 or subscribe to the show on BLAB.IM: RELATED LINKS ABOUT CREATING LEVERAGE TO GROW YOUR BUSINESS Want to know more about money leverage, check out the “How To Leverage Money To Grow Your Business” - does leverage look like in your