Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Business Is All About The Benjamins



Howdy!  Welcome to today’s motivational moment in business.  Guess what, It is all about the Benjamins. Yep.  That’s what I said.  It is all about the money. Hard to believe – we’ve been programmed time and time again to say, “Oh, it’s not about the money, I just want to serve others.” LISTEN HERE: But let’s get real just for a moment.  You are in a “Business”.  My favorite definition of a businesshas always been a ‘healthy and profitable venture that can work without you.”  I fully believe that if that isn’t your goal – then all you have is a job. If you’re ok with it, I’m ok with it.  Let’s just not camouflage it as anything else. even agrees. Business –  The purpose and sale of goods in an attempt to make a profit. A person, partnership, or corporation engaged in commerce,manufacturing, or a service;profit-seeking enterprise or concern. There is that profit word again.  Just in case you are wondering, to be profitable that means that there is money left over after you’ve paid your expenses