Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

The Rules to Solving Problems in Your Business



Being a proactive problem solver in your business is key to having a business that can innovate and grow at crazy rates.  If you are tired of the problems in your business, tired of putting out fires all day long, then listen to Leslie Hassler’s Business Coaching Moment. Show Notes Here BE RELENTLESS VIGILANT Adopt a Zero-Tolerance to habits and practices that create problems.  If you tolerate the processes, habits and practices that create problems, you tolerate the problems.  If you are tired of putting out fires, stop giving them the opportunity to start.  The easiest way to solve a problem is not to allow it a chance to happen first. UNDERSTAND THE FINANCIAL 360 When it comes to problems, we let the perceived past investment or future cost of the solution stop us from tackling the problem. But that is only part of the financial impact in your business.  What else is the problem costing you?  What opportunities are you missing by dealing and being distracted by the problem?  If the problem is only costin