Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Og Magdino - The Greatest Salesman in the World



Motivation in your business can be found in everyday life, a song, the song of a bird or even a book. Og Mandino’s book The Greatest Salesman in the World is perhaps one of the most quintessential business books.  Join Leslie for today’s motivational moments and how the 10 scrolls of Mandino’s book could be taken for the woman entrepreneurs 10 commandments.  The book recommends reading one scroll everyday for 30 days, but I offer the secondary recommendation of reading one scroll per day for 3 days. The beauty of this book is in the repetition, of  committing them to memory and then on the days when it is challenging, to be able to pull the words out of our memories like we might look at a photo of a beloved family member and bringing back the possibility, light and happiness to the day. LISTEN TO TODAY’S MOTIVATIONAL MOMENT HERE: