Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Are You Lucky in Business?



Every entrepreneur needs a little motivation, especially on Mondays – the hardest day of the week.  Leslie shares these brief motivational moments designed to motivate and inspire you by drawing such business greats such as Jim Collins, John Maxwell, Miguel Ruiz, to sharing the simple and funny.  Be sure to join us every week and get your dose! Have you ever looked at someone else’s success and thought, “Wow, look how lucky they are.” Have you ever wondered why you don’t have more luck? Luck is such a concept of fortune, of something perfect just falling into our laps.  It’s why we buy lottery tickets to win millions. But what I’ve never understood is why we put all of our wishes into luck. Listen to Today’s Motivational Moment:   via via           Join us on Wednesday as we talk with Mike McCormick of People Right.  If you have ever hired the wrong person in your business, you know how valuable the right person in the right position is key. Mike is going to be shari