Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Encouragement Changes Everything by John Maxwell



I’m inspired to bring to you today’s motivational moment after reading a book entitled, Encouragement Changes Everything by John Maxwell.  You may know John Maxwell as a leadership coach, appearing in Success Magazine, author of numerous books, and now with his own coaching empire.  I love John’s messages because in all truth, they can be applies whether you are an entreprenuer in your own business, or a high-level executive in someone else’s business. Today’s book still has that leadership undertone, but centers all around the concept of encouragement.   This is all about paying it forward in your business.  The success you obtain can be done – so share it with another business owner.  Be significant. The highest value of of being an encourager is to provide the right words to the right person at the right time, to give them strength, to build them up.   How can you encourage everyone you meet today?  One kind word, one message of hope can make all of the difference in a persons journey.  Add value to it