Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Love Your Business



Motivational Moments: #28Days Gratitude: Love Your Business Welcome to week 3 of the #28Days of Gratitude.  How is it going for you? If you’ve been participating, you might notice a little warmth in your belly every morning.  The expectation of something great growing inside of you. That is one of the beauties of recognizing all the good that surrounds you. This week’s gratitude is all about you business. Everyone starts off excited about their business, but overwhelmingly, 75% of entrepreneurs can slip into discontent. Once the illusion is gone, and we have suffered disappointments, defeat, delays…it can be REAL hard to look for the silver lining. But the truth is, that your business will do exactly what you allow and expect it to do. If you expect crummy clients, you get crummy clients. If you expect no business, you get no business. Yes there are some actions you need to take in order to change the tide.  But all action starts with belief. To hear more, listen here. Your Gratitude Challenge For The Week