Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

How To Use Flexibility To Survive Business Challenges and Find Great Opportunities



Join Leslie as she interviews Audrey Bell-Kearney about her entrepreneur path from idea to reality.  We discuss the key learnings that Audrey had with her first business, Big Beautiful Dolls, Inc.;  the realization she had that changed how she balanced growing a business with her family; and the inspiration, dedication and focus that allow Audrey to maximize every opportunity, find her ideal clients and help lift up other women through the power of media. Audrey Bell-Kearney is the founder and CEO of Ms. Boss Media which is a media, marketing, distribution and consulting firm that produces digital content for clients and help them get exposure for their business, product or service.  Audrey is also the founder of HerTube.TV which is a video and television network about women and what women care about. HerTube is part media and part technology because it’s on mobile devices, online and on TV via Roku.  Audrey is the author of What’s Your Big Idea? The Ultimate Guide For New Entrepreneurs which can be found on