Create If Writing - Authentic Platform Building For Writers & Bloggers

151 - How to Pivot When Your Launch Fails



I've talked before about launch failures, but I have a very real-time example of how you can pivot mid-launch. You'll learn why I changed my book title and cover ten days into my launch and why you need to be willing to let your darlings die.  Here are the four things you need to do in order to gauge your launch's success and pivot if it's not working:  Evaluate your launch Identify what's not working Ask others for feedback  Pivot as quickly as you can EVALUATE YOUR LAUNCH My launch hasn't been working. I would have been happy about the numbers a year ago, but I shared in my post on Niching Down how I made $9k last month with my launch. I tracked my sales and promos and ran the same kinds of sales and promos this time, but found I'm making about a third of the income. There's a problem.  IDENTIFY WHAT'S NOT WORKING When I looked, my first thought was that the title was off. I debated on the title, which was The Rock Star's Scheming Bride. The book was the first in a multi-author series, so I had to fit the