Email Marketing Insiders- Discover Expert Email Strategies

EP 15: Lead Magnet’s That Can’t Be Ignored



More than 95% of  visitors won’t buy anything on their first visit. They’re either just browsing, still in the research phase or not entirely sure your offer is what they need.  Unfortunately, most entrepreneurs rely on going straight for the jugular & end up losing a massive amount of leads that never come back. In today's episode, we will walk you through creating a lead magnet that will accelerate your email list growth like it's on steroids.  The 2 things that will handing over an email address an no brainer for your ideal prospect   8 proven lead magnets you can create and deploy FAST (so you can immediately start growing your list)   The biggest mistake you can make when crafting your 1st lead magnet (and what you should do instead) To get the Free Resources mentioned in this episode visit: