Muzzle Punch

Ep. 12 Dogs, Tethering Children and a Wonderful Reflection On What This Election Meant



Do you like dogs? If your answer to that question is "yes" than you need this episode in your life. If your answer is "no" than you need this episode in your life. Pretty much, if you're a human being living on planet earth you need this episode in your life. Boom! Truth bomb. So there it is, tell every single person you know to listen this episode (and every other episode of Muzzle Punch) and have them tell every person they know so on and so forth until everyone on this planet has listened to this episode. They'll thank you for it. You're welcome. Please like us on Facebook, subscribe on iTunes and YouTube. And show some love with a comment. Thank you all again for listening. About Muzzle Punch: If you like The Joe Rogan Experience, The Tim Ferriss Show, Howard Stern or any other long form conversation podcasts you'll enjoy Muzzle Punch. Podcast interviewing at it's finest. Subjects including, but not limited to, everything and anything. For more information, visit: