Masters Of Money

024: Keeping the Personal in Personal Finance with Jen Hemphill



Jen Hemphill helps busy ambitious women transform their finances from being overwhelming to bringing joy, simplicity, and confidence. She is a Motivational Money Coach, an AFC® (Accredited Financial Counselor) and host of the Her Money Matters Podcast. In this episode Jen shares her financial struggles, the goals she’s achieved, and the goals she has for her military family’s financial future. Specifically, she talks about personalizing her finances for her family, the difficulty of saying no as an adult when you grow up surrounded by a scarcity mindset, she reveals her multi-account bank setup for budgeting and saving, and discusses her goals for her dream home. You’ll love it. So let’s dig in. Let’s meet today’s Master of Money…. The show notes, including links to everything we talked about, can be found at