Masters Of Money

011: How to Budget When You Live Paycheck to Paycheck with Chris Peach



Chris Peach created Money Peach—a site where you can find financial help, coaching and digital resources—in an effort to show people how to manage money in all areas of life, and most importantly, how to make money fun again! Chris is passionate about managing his money and you really hear that passion come through in the interview. You’ll leave inspired and encouraged to take control of your finances. In this episode Chris talks about what he does instead of budgeting, he shares a couple of secrets that allowed him to pay off a big chunk of debt in just a few months. You’ll also find out the one financial product Chris doesn’t use and how he and his wife plan to pay off his mortgage early. Stick around after the interview for my biggest takeaways. For all the resources mentioned in this episode, or to compare up to 17 free budgeting programs, visit