Ninja Jill Knows

Episode 375: Lift Someone Up Today



The power of your words is something that you will never really know. We must all use our words more to lift someone else up. I cannot count how many times I have received a message in the exact moment that I need it from someone who has read my book, listened to this podcast, taken one of my online programs or follows my posts on social media. It will show up right when I need it. When I am doubting myself, questioning what I should do next, wondering if I should continue and if all I am doing is actually creating an impact, that this unexpected message will lift me back up. It will remind me why I started, remind me why this message is important and remind me to keep going on this journey that I feel called too.  Your words matter. Your words can be used to lift someone else up. Today, I challenge you to send someone who has impacted you in a positive way a message about why they have inspired you in your life. You might just be the messenger that they need right this moment.  Listen in to find out why our