Nourish Podcast With Kim Bakaev

EPISODE 24 LISA BAIN "Finding Joy in Any Cause"



The light that is Lisa Bain founded the charity "Joy in the Cause" during a time when most people would be at their lowest moments.  Her mother's five-year battle with cancer birthed a beautiful movement that is rooted in choosing joy in every situation.  Joy in the Cause and its off-shoots, the Purpose Project, Joy to the Rescue and Joy in the Adventure,  brings hope and light to individuals, young and old, who are facing traumatic situations.  Lisa's sidekick, Mavis Pearl, a six-year-old, tutu-wearing English Bulldog, ministers love and joy to countless kids and adults daily.  No small act of kindness is ever wasted, and Joy in the Cause is a great place to get plugged in to give joy to others.  I know Lisa's story and inspiring words will nourish you today.