Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Reaching Your Community



Hello and welcome to Debbie’s Tips! I was wondering, is it time to expand your range, reach, and influence in your community? As a professional coach I have an opportunity to travel across North America to meet with some of the most elite agents and real estate professionals in the nation. They commonly share with me that 80% of their business comes from the people that they know, their past clients, sphere, and connections in the community. What they also tell me though is that they still need more business, that they are often disappointed by the lack of repeat and referrals from their database. When you consider the fact that the average homeowner is staying in their home longer than ever before and that most homeowners know more than one agent, and that customer loyalty in most industries has declined by 50%, you can see why you may need to expand what you do in order to grow your business. When a new coaching client hires us to help them, one of the first things we do is examine their system for working