Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Shifting Market Opportunities #325



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we're talking about shifting market opportunities. What are some of the opportunities that a shifting market can present? One can be the opportunity to break into higher-end expired listings because you see, when the market makes it not as easy to get the home sold, what you'll often see impacted first is the higher-end properties. Oftentimes what happened is that an agent overpriced the home initially, didn't work their price reductions, and these properties ended up expiring. Now the great news about it is this. There's an old saying that you're better off to be the first born, the second wife, and the second or third agent on an expired listing. Why? Because the seller is potentially more ready than before to take your wise advice as an agent. Expired listings, especially the higher-end, in a shifting market can be a great opportunity. Now for sale by owners, they can also be a great opportunity. When the market is red hot and they can put a sign in the yard