Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Assumptive Closing Techniques #322



Welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. Today we’re going over some assumptive techniques. This is a favorite subject of mine, because I do believe that one of the best closing techniques of all time is just simply the assumptive close. And I thought, before I give you a couple of tips, I would tell you a quick little funny story. I call it Melanie's near disaster. One of our coaching clients shared with me that she had just hired a new assistant, and the assistant really didn't quite understand the difference between a listing that had already been taken and needed to be processed, and a listing appointment where the listing was still just a potential. So, Melanie had a very expensive home that she was super excited about trying to attain as a listing. She got everything ready, drove over to the appointment, and as she pulled up in front of the house, she noticed that the “For Sale” sign has already been put up in the yard. Instantly Melanie panicked. This is what typically happened as soon as a listing was taken, t