Superb Diamond Range

Paying the Bills (The Financial Series) | #34 | podcast | superb diamond range



#34: Special mention to: Robert Kiyasaki Dave Ramsey David Bach For influencing me to create this new financial series which will discuss all things financial and hopefully help many of my listeners. Most important: Pay Yourself First!!! Pay date. Direct deposit of your pay/wages, not cheques, make it automatic. Pay by standing order rather than direct debit. Get all bills to come out a day or two after payday.  Stay away from recurring card payments! Paying your credit card bills briefly. Manually make early payments to avoid late fees and penalties. Keep a cash buffer of ideally one months expenses if not work towards building up this reserve. Aim at lowering all your expenses. Aim to be Lean. Negotiate with existing companies for best cheapest deals. Don't always stay if loyalty doesn't reward, ditch and switch. Switch your Gas and Electric to the best value deal and save 100's. Podcast: