Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Successfully Launching Into 2019 (Part 5) #315



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips. We're working on a strong finish to the fourth quarter and a powerful beginning to 2019. I have a suggestion for you today. What if you formed your own organic networking group? One of our coaches, Alyssa, when she was a young, single mom, she grew her business to over 100 personal transactions without a team. The way that she did this, is she put together her own organic networking groups. So for example, she put together a group of women in businesses in her local market that were all in a commission sales type of job. They got together and strategized how they were each growing their business. They encouraged and supported each other and they had a strong commitment to send business back and forth to one another. Alyssa shared with me that from that one group alone, she would close typically at least 25 transactions a year and it was easy. They just met once a month for dinner or for lunch and in addition to the success, it was fun. So maybe consider that. It's als