Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Downsizing Baby Boomers #301



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips! I was thinking about the downsizing Baby Boomers today. I realized, The Baby boomers are a massive generation, and what you may not know is that they own 40% of the real estate. Many of them are looking to upgrade their quality of life, diminish their overhead, unload the maintenance of owning a large house, and move in to a smaller property in a cooler location. In fact, some are even buying two smaller homes, one in their neighborhood to be close to friends, family or aging parents, and one in a different destination, maybe what in the past for them has been a vacation destination. You hear a lot about the snowbirds, right? Snowbirds move between their locations depending on the season. The Boomer generation is not defined by their age; they see themselves and young and vibrant and on the move. They often do express concerns about a dip in the real estate values, which is something they fear. They may feel their home is at the top market price and if the market dips