Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Find Listings Now Part 4 #267



Hello and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips! Today we’re finishing up our series on the best tips to find listings now.   Call absentee owners in your market. Tell them how hot the market is, and that now may be that time to sell they’ve been waiting for. Wear your career apparel or name tag everywhere. I know this one is simple, but you know what?  We are around the corner, next door, at the gym, at the grocery store, and if they see that you’re a real estate agent, they will often approach you. If you aren’t farming, now is the time to hit it hard. Be strategic about what you are sending. It needs to set you up as an expert, offer valuable information, and have a strong call to action.  Every day do a minimum of 5 high quality contacts, 5 hand written notes, 5 emails, and 5 texts to your best prospects! This is the 5-5-5-5. Would I like, as a coach, to see you making more than that?  Absolutely!   I would leave to see you making 20 contacts a day, 100 contacts a week.  However, just think about it.  If