Elite Agents Real Estate Podcast With Debbie De Grote

Discipline Is Not an Option #259



Hello it’s Debbie De Grote and welcome to Debbie's Daily Tips! I wanted to throw something out there to you. We have a saying around here that we often talk about. Discipline is not an option. My staff will kid each other about working out, or avoiding the donut, or making that one extra phone call, because we’re tough. I always think about it like, the few, the proud, the brave. Discipline is not an option. So I wonder, are you practicing the habit of discipline? You know what’s great about is, is it’s really like a muscle. The more you practice, the stronger you get. I remember someone telling me once that they would set up one weekly discipline. Something simple that they could do such as, “Okay for this entire week, I’m not going to eat any bread.” Simple enough, right? Or, for this entire week, I’m going to get up 30 minutes earlier. Or, this entire week, I’m going to read 15 minutes of a book daily. Because they said that they noticed when they would take one small discipline and practice it every week,